Guidance for Positive Behavior in Greystanes

At Ultimate Health, we are committed to implementing the Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) framework in our entrusted services of Behaviour Support in Greystanes. PBS is a research-based approach that focuses on understanding and addressing challenging behaviours in a positive and person-centred manner. This framework promotes the well-being and quality of life of individuals with disabilities by emphasising proactive strategies and interventions.

The key principles of the Positive Behaviour Support framework include:

Person-Centred Approach

We believe in the inherent dignity and worth of every individual. The PBS framework centres around the person, their preferences, strengths, and aspirations. We actively involve the individual, their families, and carers in the decision-making process and work collaboratively to develop effective behaviour support plans.

Functional Assessment

Understanding the function or purpose of challenging behaviours is crucial for developing effective interventions. Our experienced allied health professionals conduct comprehensive functional assessments to identify the underlying causes and triggers of challenging behaviours. By gaining insight into the individual's unique circumstances and needs, we can tailor our support accordingly.

Positive Reinforcement

The  Positive Behaviour Support framework emphasizes the use of positive reinforcement to encourage desired behaviours. We focus on recognising and reinforcing positive behaviours rather than solely focusing on punishment or consequences for challenging behaviours. This approach helps individuals develop and maintain positive behaviours over time.

Skill Building

We recognise that individuals may engage in challenging behaviours due to a lack of necessary skills. Through the PBS framework, we prioritise skill development to enable individuals to effectively communicate, self-regulate, and engage in alternative behaviours. We provide training, coaching, and support to individuals, families, and carers to foster the acquisition of new skills.

Collaborative Team Approach

Behaviour Support is a collaborative effort involving various stakeholders, including the individual, their support network, and professionals. We work closely with families, carers, therapists, and other relevant professionals to ensure a coordinated and consistent approach to behaviour support. By working as a team, we maximise the effectiveness of our interventions and support strategies.

Ongoing Monitoring and Evaluation

Behaviour support is an ongoing process that requires regular monitoring and evaluation. We continuously assess the effectiveness of our behaviour support plans, make necessary adjustments, and provide ongoing support to individuals, families, and carers. Our goal is to achieve sustainable positive outcomes and continuously improve our services.

By implementing the Positive Behaviour Support framework, we aim to empower individuals, enhance their well-being, and support them in achieving their goals. Our dedicated team is trained in this evidence-based approach and is committed to providing compassionate and effective Behaviour Support services under the NDIS.

Get Started Today

If you would like to learn more about our Behaviour Support services and how the Positive Behaviour Support framework can benefit you or your loved one, please contact us. As a trusted behaviour support specialist in Greystanes, we are here to answer your questions and support you every step of the way.

Behaviour Support Merrylands

Behaviour Support Wentworthville

Behaviour Support Pemulwuy

Behaviour Support Guildford

Behaviour Support Westmead